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Statement from Corvallis Mayor Biff Traber on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Corvallis Mayor Biff Traber issued the following statement on April 2, 2020, after a briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic by City staff participating in the countywide emergency operations center.

Corvallis Police Offers Prescription Delivery

As part of the joint City/County response to Covid-19, members of the Corvallis Police Department’s Community Livability Unit helped reduce the impact of COVID-19 by delivering prescriptions to City of Corvallis residents who were age 65 or older or had a life-threatening pre-existing medical condition. As our response to the pandemic has evolved, this program is no longer available. Although we are no longer offering this service, the Corvallis Police Department remains committed to the safety of our community!

City Extends Local Emergency Declaration Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

City Manager Mark Shepard extended on March 30 the City's local emergency declaration until further notice as the community responds to the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement supersedes the City's original emergency declaration that was issued on March 13.

The Benton County Emergency Operation Center (EOC) has been leading the response to the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two weeks. The EOC is staffed jointly by the City of Corvallis and Benton County to focus local resources on the pandemic.

Housing | COVID-19 Resources

Housing instability due to COVID-19 is a concern for individuals and families across our community.

City Efforts to Increase Housing

The City of Corvallis does not build or manage any housing directly, but instead works through local partners to distribute federal, state, and other sources of housing funding.

The City's primary sources of funding that can be spent on housing or housing related activities include:

Income & Affordability

House and rent prices have been increasing in Corvallis for several years. Corvallis is consistently ranked as the most rent-burdened community in Oregon by the Department of Land Conservation & Development.

1. Family Income Distribution














Housing Stock & Production

Corvallis has always been a community with a mix of single family, duplex, and multifamily housing types.  The 2016 City of Corvallis Housing Needs Analysis and Economic Opportunities Analysis indicated that Corvallis needs to permit, on average, 177 new residen


1. Corvallis Population













