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Benton County Voters Approve New 9-1-1 Service District

Voters in Benton County voted decisively on November 5 to approve a new taxing district to fund increased services for 9-1-1 emergency communications countywide.

Measure 2-124 passed with about 61% approval, according to preliminary results from the Benton County Elections Office. Certified results will be available later in the month.

Real-Time tracking is currently not operational

Real-Time tracking is currently not operational. We are working on this issue and will have it fixed as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you would like to get real time bus information, call CTS Dispatch at 541-766-6998.

Schedule Revision for Water Line Resiliency Project

The City of Corvallis is postponing a major capital improvement project that would reroute and replace a water line that crosses the Marys River at 4th Street. The water line, which currently runs above ground along the 4th Street bridge, was to be rerouted under the Marys River by constructing an open trench across the riverbed. Work began in August, but heavy fall rains created challenges to maintaining a dry work area, so the project will be postponed until July of 2020.

Special City Council Work Session

The Council will hold a special work session to continue its Advisory Board review discussion. 
