Past Recipients 2017 - 2018

Project Title Description Award Amount
FY1718 Neighborhood Empowerment Grants  
CMLC Parking & Accessibility Assessment & Outreach Project Funds were used to offset costs associated with research and an assessment of current parking and transportation issues in the College Hill neighborhood and the creation of an action plan for the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center's new location. Project included outreach and introductory materials to the neighborhood. $400
Birdie Neighborhood & 35th Street Trimming Party Funds were used to extend work begun by neighbors in 2017 to remove blackberries and other invasive species, to trim hedges, and cut overgrown parking cover along SE 35th St (across from Adams Elementary School).  Outcomes included in a visual and pedestrian improvement along 35th and bringing neighbors together for a common goal. $440
Leonard Street Mural Project Funds were used to support the installation of a mural at a neighborhood community garden. The project included a 3-hour workshop during the Lincoln Elementary School Carnival where two artists worked with Lincoln school families to paint animal installation pieces. The pieces were later be installed during a mural painting and installation block party on National Night Out. $1000
Skyline West Neighborhood Wildfire Prevention Project Funds were used to host a neighborhood organic debris cleanup day on National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day on May 4, 2019.  Rental of two debris dumpsters as well as a collection trailer to circulate the neighborhood were made available. $1000
Strengthening Our Neighborhood Project Funds were used to support a series of informational events, gatherings and activities designed to unite and educate the South town community.  $445
Encouraging Micro-Neighborhood Preparedness Project Funds were used to encourage the formation of small groups within the Arnold Park neighborhood (micro-neighborhoods) to focus on emergency preparedness efforts. $375
The Arts Center Landscape Renewal Project Funds were used to purchase materials for a series of neighborhood work parties designed to refresh the landscaping around the Arts Center.  $750
Edgewood Park Estates Neighborhood Social Funds were used to host three social events for the HOA including a block party, speaker engagement and pool clean-up. The project aimed to demonstrate the benefits of socializing within an HOA structure. $590