4 de Diciembre de 2020 - La Oficina de Desarrollo Económico de Corvallis y el Condado Benton, en asociación con Community LendingWorks, distribuirá más de $1.25 millones en asistencia a pequeños negocios en Corvallis y el Condado Benton. El financiamiento es parte de $55 millones en dinero federal de la Ley CARES proporcionado a Oregon con el propósito de brindar asistencia financiera a pequeños negocios afectados por condiciones económicas como resultado directo de la pandemia COVID-19.
Pursuant to Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-16, item 2.a., issued on April 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Land Development Hearings Board meeting will be conducted online only. The Fire Station Meeting Room will be closed to the public.
How Can I Participate?
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people wishing to participate in the meeting are strongly encouraged to submit their comments in writing.
In order to provide information for the community’s efforts to better understand its climate impact, the City of Corvallis conducted a Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Corvallis, Oregon for the 2012 calendar year. The 2012 Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report (PDF) provides a summary of key findings and details about each category of emissions sources and activities.