Week of 06/28/21 - Neighborhoods

Oak creek neighbors join an evacuation drill

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

New This Week

Excessive Heat and Water Conservation - Corvallis remains under an excessive heat warning and neighbors are encouraged to stay hydrated, check on neighbors, and keep pets safe. Please also keep in mind that water conservation is also needed due to a statewide chlorine shortage

City & County Work Session re: Houselessness - July 1 - The Corvallis City Council and Benton County Board of Commissioners will meet jointly to discuss houselessness and recommendations from the Home, Opportunity, Planning and Equity (HOPE) Advisory Board. Benton County is hosting this meeting. Register to Attend | Submit Comment

  • Police & Fire Data re: Houselessness: Several neighborhoods have expressed interest in Police and Fire data related to houselessness. Captain Joel Goodwin of the Corvallis Police Department recently presented this information to the HOPE board.  View the data | Watch the presentation (starts at 49:34)

Fabulous, Fantastic All-American, Everyone Can Join, 4th of July Parade - July 4 @ 9:30am - This has been an annual Corvallis tradition for the past 36 years.  The parade will assemble on Eighth Street near the Central Park Gazebo at 930 and will depart promptly at 10am.  For questions or to volunteer, please email Parade Organizer, Steven Black. Traffic control volunteers are being sought - get involved!

Oregon Statewide Eviction Moratorium ends June 30th - Oregon's statewide eviction moratorium will end on June 30 and full rent will be due on July 1. Tenants that are behind in rent are urged to seek rent assistance now. The federal eviction moratorium has been extended through July 31 for those who qualify. The federal eviction moratorium differs from the Oregon statewide moratorium and has different qualification requirements to obtain tenant protections. Federal protections are not automatic.  Apply for rent assistance | Learn more

City & County Neighborhoods Participate in Evacuation Drill - Neighborhoods across the community participated in an evacuation drill with our local City and County Emergency Services teams on Saturday, June 19. In preparation, neighborhoods held education events with local emergency staff, prepared go-bags, and signed up for electronic alerts. During the drill, neighborhoods practiced evacuating to check-in sites. The lessons learned by neighborhoods and staff are invaluable and will help inform our local protocols. See the photo above and thank you to all who participated! 

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Mary's Annexation Record Held Open - Comments due today and meeting to be held on July 19 @ 6p @ online - The Mary's Annexation is an ~118.5 acre site located near the northeast corner of SW 53rd Street and SW West Hills Road. The City Council held a limited public hearing to review the proposed annexation agreement last week and held the record open for additional public comment. The public hearing is limited to the review of the annexation agreement onlyThe record has been held open until June 28 at 5pm for additional public testify. Read the draft annexation agreement and public comments. Please submit comments to aaron.harris@corvallisoregon.gov.

Corvallis School District Summer Closures  - The Corvallis School District administrative office will be closed to the public from July 1 – 31. The district office will re-open following regular hours on August 2. All schools in the district are closed and will re-open for summer hours (9 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 3 pm) on August 9. Questions about summer facility closures may be directed to the Facilities and Transportation office at 541-757-4487.