Week of 07/05/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

New This Week

Active Transportation Corridors - In May, the City of Corvallis Active Transportation Group launched the Active Travel Corridors (ATC) mapping project and asked you to help us develop where our neighborhood shortcuts were located that allow for people to walk, roll, and bike to connect to other streets and locations. Community members helped to identify 95 ATCs with an impressive 6 miles worth of connections.  What is truly remarkable is that this confirms what many already knew—a robust and built network quietly parallels traditional paths we use to get around by walking and biking. They allow neighbors to easily access parks that otherwise require walking much further out of the way. They provide kids a superhighway so they can to get to friends’ houses without crossing major streets. And they create places of interest, secrecy and beauty in plain sight by giving people the gift of a welcoming way to access an area that is exclusive to non-motorized travel. View the map | Stay Informed

Planning Commission to Discuss Middle Housing - July 7 @ 6:30p @ online - The Planning Commission will continue its discussion regarding the proposed Land Development Code changes aimed at creating middle housing and complying with statewide legislation aimed at addressing the housing deficit.  Read the meeting packet | Register to attend.

Ward 8 Councilor Election set for November 2, 2021 - Councilor Ed Junkins resigned in June after serving Ward 8 since 2018.  Councilor Junkins is relocating out of state and his departure creates a vacancy on the City Council. Those who reside in Ward 8 are asked to consider running or encourage others to run.  Prospective candidates must be registered voters of Corvallis, Oregon at the time they file their completed nomination petition with the City Recorder. They must have resided in Corvallis one year immediately preceding the November 2, 2021 election and must reside in Ward 8 when they file their completed nomination petition with the City Recorder. Corvallis City Councilors serve two-year terms as unpaid volunteers, in which they legislate high-level City policies, vote on land-use cases, and provide local representation to the roughly 5,000 people in their ward.

  • Obtain an election packet. Packets will be available after July 12.
  •  Key dates include:
    • August 2 @ 5p– The deadline to file a prospective petition with the City Recorder, which is the first step in the process to getting on the ballot. Potential candidates must complete a prospective petition before gathering signatures.
    • August 6 @ 5p – The deadline to file a completed petition with the City Recorder.
    • November 2 - Election - the successful candidate will complete the current Council term, which ends on December 31, 2022.
  • Ask a question if you would like more information

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Mary's Annexation Appears at City Council - July 19 @ 6p @ online - The Mary's Annexation is an ~118.5 acre site located near the northeast corner of SW 53rd Street and SW West Hills Road. The City Council held a limited public hearing to review the proposed annexation agreement last week and held the record open for additional public comment. The public hearing is limited to the review of the annexation agreement only. Register to attend.

Highway 99 | SW 3rd Street Events Planned - ODOT is leading the OR 99W South Corvallis Facility Plan to improve safety and mobility for all modes on the highway (south 3rd Street) between Western Boulevard and the southern Corvallis Urban Growth Boundary. There are several upcoming events for which the team would appreciate your participation:

  • First, the team will hold a concept development workshop on July 27th and 28th where stakeholders, including community member representatives, will participate in developing design solutions for the corridor. The public is invited to see the results of their work on July 28th from 4:30 – 5:30 and learn more about the process and their results during a presentation from 5:30 – 6:30 at the Tunison Community Center (365 SW Tunison Avenue, Corvallis). You can also tune in to the presentation virtually at this link or call in for audio only +1 971-277-2148 Conference ID: 23502132#  
  • After the July workshop, the team will be looking for additional input on the concept designs and preliminary concepts during open house events from August 20-30. You can participate online at any point during that period or come see us in person at a variety of locations near the corridor! We’ll provide more details about the in-person locations/dates/times in early August.

Details will be available on the project webpage prior to events: https://www.oregon.gov/odot/projects/pages/project-details.aspx?project=R2-Plan-01