Week of 10/18/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

New This Week

On the Calendar: Council Executive Session | City Council Meeting | Economic Development Coalition | Council Work Session

OSU Traffic Study is Underway - October 18 - 22 - OSU will be conducting a code-required Traffic Operations Study (TOS) on the Corvallis campus from Monday, October 18 through Friday, October 22, 2021. As part of the data collection, tube counters will be placed at 16 locations on and around the Corvallis campus. Tubes can stretch across roadways, sidewalks and bike lanes. View a map. Ask a question.

OSU International Friendship Program Seeks Community Participants - Applications due by October 22 - The International Friendship Program provides support and opportunities designed to assist international students and scholars during their adjustment period by connecting them with the community. The program also provides an opportunity for the community to get to know students and scholars from across the globe. OSU international students/scholars are paired up with friends in the OSU and Oregon community to facilitate friendships, share culture, and develop relationships across the globe. Learn more.

Oregon Health Authority Seeks Applicants for Community Leadership Council Applications due by October 25 - The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is seeking applicants to serve on the Community Leadership Council for its Behavioral Health Workforce Initiative. The Oregon Legislature passed HB 2949 in June to provide incentives and grants to increase the recruitment and retention of people of color, tribal members, and/or residents of rural areas in the state into the behavioral health workforce, in order to provide culturally responsive care. The council will lead the initiative’s work, and the OHA will provide technical, logistical and all other necessary supports to the council. Learn more.

Regional Transportation Plan Open House - October 25 @ 11:30a or 5:00p @ Online - The Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is hosting two virtual open house sessions on Monday, October 25, for its ongoing update to the Regional Transportation Plan. Each session is one hour and will include a presentation on the future scenarios analysis and a Q and A segment. Attend the Open House. Ask a Question

Why is a Regional Transportation Plan important? The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) identifies how the Corvallis Metropolitan Area will meet the needs of the transportation system over a 20-year planning horizon. The RTP contains projects and policies to guide the development of a multi-modal transportation system (including transit, highway, bicycle, pedestrian, and accessible transportation) which meets the region’s economic, transportation, development and sustainability goals, while remaining fiscally constrained. This plan is used to guide decisions - large and small - throughout the next 20 years.  

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Leaf Collection Schedule View the 2021 leaf collection schedule