Land Owner Notification for Code Amendments
Oregon requires public notices be mailed to property owners when a change in land-use laws might affect the permissible uses of property. Consistent with the State law, the City of Corvallis will mail the land use hearing public notice to every owner of property when the proposed code amendments could affect the use of the private property.
The City is currently processing several amendments to the Corvallis Land Development Code that will change the way some properties can be developed, and the land owner notice is often a requirement, depending on the specific changes that are proposed.
State law requires that the land owner notices contain very specific wording. ORS 227.186 requires the City to print the following sentence: “The City has determined that adoption of this ordinance may affect the permissible uses of your property, and other properties in the affected zone, and may change the value of your property.” Actually, no determination has been or is expected to be made as to the effect of the proposal on the value of your property. However, staff is available to answer any specific questions you may have about the proposed code amendments.
Active Code Amendments - Land Owner Notifications
Please contact the Planning Division for more information.