Week of 09/06/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

New This Week

Justice System Virtual Community Meeting September 8 @ 5:30 - 7:30p @ online - Benton County invites the community to join a virtual meeting to discuss the need and potential locations for new proposed buildings to serve our residents for the next 40 years and beyond. The meeting will include discussion on the Crisis Center, Courthouse, Correctional Facilities, and Sheriff & Emergency Operations.  Register to attend | Visit the Project Website | Sign-up for program updates and meetings 

Mixed Use - Is it coming to a neighborhood near you? - September 14 @ 7p - 8:30p @ online - Corvallis 2040 Vision calls for more mixed-use development creating more walkable, bikeable neighborhoods resulting in less driving which would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lead to a wider variety of housing types, and facilitate interactions among neighbors.Following a brief presentation about mixed-use in Corvallis, audience members will be invited to pose questions to panelists representing different interests related to mixed-use. This type of development is expected to become more prevalent in Corvallis in the coming years, so it’s important for us to understand both the benefits and challenges of mixed-use and to voice our views. This event will be hosted by the League of Women Voters and the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and will feature the City's very own Rian Amiton, Senior Planner, on the panel.  Attend the event.

Highway 99W South Corvallis Facility Plan - The project's open house is now closed - so what is next?  ODOT's project team has been collecting public input through online and in-person events and compiling the information in project summaries. Remember the online mapping activity earlier in the year? Read the summary. Are you interested in learning what came of the stakeholder interviews?  Here you go. Did you stop by the Tunison Community Room for the Open House last month? Read more. All the summaries and project documentation are available at the bottom of the project webpage. The next step focuses on developing two design alternatives that meet the project vision, goals, and performance measures. This work is also expected to offer more detail regarding treatment options at specific locations along Hwy 99W. ODOT will return for public input later this fall on the alternatives. Meanwhile, the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) will meet and provide input along the way.  The next SAG meeting is on September 22 and is open to the public. Attend the SAG meeting.  Councilor Hyatt Lytle serves on the SAG and invites those with questions and comments to email them to her before the meeting so she can share with the ODOT project team. Email Councilor Lytle

Support the CPNA Microshelter Initiative - The Central Park Neighborhood Association is working with Unity Shelter to fund a new microshelter and invites others to contribute to the effort. CPNA has raised $13,000 of the $16,000 needed to construct the microshelter and is asking others to help reach the goal by the end of September.  Contribute to the initiative | Learn more.

Announcements & Upcoming Events

On the Calendar: This pilot section offers quick links to events appearing on the City's General Event Calendar. Catch videos from past meetings on Vimeo.

Calling All Corvallis History Buffs - George Rohrmann, a Central Park Neighbor, has been conducting extensive research on the history of the buildings and past residents in the both the Central Park and Washington Park areas of town.  Check out George's blog to access all 18 chapters of his research including photos and interesting historical documents.  Learn more.

Planning Commission Vacancy - Applications due on October 1 - The Planning Commission is a quasi-judicial board that has an important role in Corvallis' land use. Land use is a lot more exciting than it might sound. This board conducts public hearings on development proposals, takes actions on proposals such as annexations of new land into the City, and it reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council on a range of documents, codes, and plans that impact the way Corvallis looks, feels, and functions. Motivated community volunteers, critical thinkers, and aspiring City Councilors - check out this opportunity. Application Packet | Apply Online | Learn more

Slow Your Roll - The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) wants everyone, traveling by any mode, to look out for each other when walking, driving, or rolling. To promote the message of getting there safely, we are offering free yard signs (18”x 24”) to the Corvallis community asking drivers to “slow your roll,” indicating that pedestrians are apt to be everywhere, both day and night. Request a sign. You can also download the Oregonians Stand Out Safety Campaign toolkits in English and Spanish to help get the word out on pedestrian safety.