Week of 03/01/21 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected.
New This Week
Benton County Risk Level: EXTREME RISK - The COVID-19 risk level determines which activities are permitted in the county. View the Risk Activity Guide | Follow the Benton County Data. Vaccinations: Please note that the COVID-19 vaccine is not currently available to the general public. People aged 65 and older have joined those who are eligible. NOTE: Eligibility information for the next two groups in the sequence was also released as well as new Phase 2 details. Determine Eligibility | Stay Informed
Benton County | OSU COVID-19 Testing & Metrics Webinar - March 4 @ 6p @ Online - Benton County, Oregon State University and City of Corvallis officials will host a webinar to provide updates on community health, ongoing testing by OSU, vaccination programs, and discussions with state officials about the inclusion of testing data within Oregon’s risk metrics. Join the webinar.
Middle Housing Departmental Advisory Board Meeting - March 2 @ 5p @ online - The Middle Housing Departmental Advisory Committee is tasked with assisting staff and the project team, as they review and propose amendments to Land Development Code provisions related to “Middle Housing”. Middle Housing is defined as housing types that include duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, and cottage clusters. The purpose of the Middle Housing project is to implement provisions of House Bill 2001 (2019) that requires cities to permit Middle Housing types in areas zoned for residential use.
OR99W South Corvallis Facility Plan Virtual Open House - March 5 - 21 @ online - Highway 99W in South Corvallis is the focus of a new planning effort that will determine how best to improve safety and mobility along this corridor. The Facility Plan is led by Oregon Department of Transportation in close collaboration with the City of Corvallis. ODOT has also convened a 13-member Stakeholder Advisory Group that has identified the desired outcomes of the project. The public is invited to attend its upcoming meeting on March 10. The public is also asked to participate in the next open house from March 5 - 21.
- Read the Newsletter March 2021
- Watch the Stakeholder Advisory Meeting on March 10 | 10a -11:30p
- Attend the Virtual Open House
- Ask questions by contacting ODOT
Barriers to Housing Panel Discussion - Available online - The League of Women Voters hosted a panel discussion on Barriers to Housing for people of color. The panel included the City Associate Planner Aaron Harris who offers history and perspective on the effect of land use and parking requirements on affordable housing in Corvallis and asks us to consider how to align our actions and values in the community. The panel also includes Joan Reukauf, CEO, Corvallis Willamette Community Bank. Watch now.
City's Current Overnight Camping Policies - The City has been receiving increased inquiries about the temporary camping policies put in place last December through Council Policy directives. Current and detailed information about the policies is posted on the City website. Questions regarding the policies can be sent to camping@corvallisoregon.gov or call 541-766-6562. Read the policies.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Joint Ward Meeting for Wards 6 & 9 - March 23 @ 6:30p @ online - Save the date! Councilors Chaplen & Struthers invite those living in Wards 6 & 9 to join a joint meeting. The agenda will include staff presentations on Park & Recreation and Emergency Preparedness followed by a Q&A with City Councilors. Join the discussion.
Applicants Sought for Advisory Board Vacancies - The City Council seeks input and advice from the public through a network of advisory boards, task forces, committees, and work groups. Participants are typically community members interested in making an impact on a particular policy topic or getting acquainted with how local decisions are made. If you are interested in one of the following vacancies, submit an application by 5p on April 2.
- Historic Resources Commission - The HRC is a quasi-judicial decision-maker for matters related to the preservation of Corvallis historic resources. The Commission considers requests to add or remove Historic Preservation Overlay designations, as well as permits and appeals sought by property owners within the overlay district. Learn more.
- Planning Commission - The Planning Commission is a quasi-judicial body that considers development proposals, annexations, and provides recommendations regarding the City's Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and detailed plans (such as the Transportation Plan). Learn more.