Week of 10/19/20 - Neighborhoods
The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected.
New This Week
H-A-LL-O-W-EE-N during COVID-19 - With COVID-19 spreading, Halloween and other celebrations look different this year. But you can still have spooky fun while playing it safe. Benton County offers the tips below and the Oregon Health Authority offers additional information, click here.
Enjoy these low-risk activities with your household:
- Pumpkin carving
- Decorate your home/yard *See photo: The Skyline West neighbors on Fairview Drive show us how it's done with a spooky tribute to 80s hair bands.*
- Halloween karaoke
- Watch scary movies
- Virtual costume contests
- Candy scavenger hunt or Halloween piñata
Avoid these high-risk activities where you can’t stay 6 feet apart:
- Door-to-door trick-or-treating/ trunk-or-treating
- Crowded haunted houses or fall festivals
- Indoor Halloween and other celebration parties
The Parks & Recreation Department is offering Boo Bash in a Bag! Don't let quarantine ruin your Halloween! With our Boo Bash in a Bag, your child with have tons of Halloween fun from the comfort of your own home! Sign-up for a free bag full of Halloween themed activities, games and of course tricks and treats! Drive through and pick-up your bag between 10am and 2pm on Saturday Oct. 31st at the Avery Park Office. Get an extra surprise when you wear costumes and participate in the photo booth activity. Ages 4-10. Register here.
Finance Department Director Candidate Meet & Greet is This Week - October 19 & 20 - The City of Corvallis is hiring a new director for the Finance Department. The Corvallis community is invited to review and evaluate the candidates during a virtual meet & greet. Beginning today, brief introductory videos from each of the finalists are available for the community to review, as well as a short survey to gather feedback on the candidates. The materials will be available at www.corvallisoregon.gov/financedirector and feedback is due by 5p on October 20.
Jobs Addition Neighborhood Association's Dixon Creek Project - The Jobs Addition Neighborhood Association (JANA) has held twelve physically-distanced, mask-wearing work parties along the stretch of Dixon Creek that abuts the Corvallis High School. They've cleared out blackberries and weeds to make room for native plants. Their hard work caught the attention of a large owl that perched and watched as neighbors worked along the creek. "I'm quite proud of what we've done, helping the school district and enhancing this little gem of a creek that we have flowing through our town and our neighborhood. I hope one day we'll see more wildlife: frogs, newts, garter snakes, young fish, lamprey, more birds," said Lyn Larson, JANA President.
Advisory Board Restructuring Webinar & Survey - An Advisory Board Restructuring Ad Hoc Committee, comprised of City Council and staff representatives, has been evaluating the City's existing board structure through the summer of 2020 and has prepared recommendations that are scheduled for discussion during the City Council Work Session on November 19. A video recording of the proposal to restructure the City's array of boards, commissions, committees, and task forces is now available and community members are encouraged to watch the video and share feedback through on online survey.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Applicants Sought for the Budget Commission - The City of Corvallis is seeking volunteers to fill three vacancies on the Budget Commission. Budget Commissioners are charged with reviewing and approving the annual city budget, and forwarding a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Learn more.
OSU COVID-19 Policies and Reporting - Students living both on and off campus are required to follow the university's COVID-19 safety policies. Community members who observe a violation can report the violation using the OSU Community COVID-19 Report Form.
Benton County Elections Office Website - The website includes important dates, ballot drop-off sites, and a voter pamphlet. Learn more.
Fall Leaf Collection Schedule - begins October 19 - The City’s Fall Leaf Collection Program begins Monday, October 19, 2020 and runs through mid-December 2020.