Week of 7/20/20 - Neighborhoods
The City of Corvallis produces the weekly Neighborhood Update to help our neighborhoods connect with one another. If you have questions or wish to share information, please send an email.
New This Week
Local COVID-19 Check-in - July 21 @ 6:30pm @ online - The next CitySpeak Forum will host a panel with local health officials and representatives. The panelists will include, among others, Danielle Brown and Charlie Fautin of the Benton County Health Department. Topics will cover mental health, parenting and coping, and alcohol and marijuana trends. Charlie Fautin will specifically address the current spike in COVID-19 cases, including those in younger generations and will offer his insights on re-opening measures thus far and in the future.
OSU Monitoring Annual Report is Now Available - July 23 @ 4pm @ online - The annual OSU Campus Master Plan Monitoring Report will be presented during this Thursday's City Council Work Session. The report is published each year and addresses a number of topics related to parking, alternative travel numbers, and the work plan for buildings and facilities. The complete report is available online and a presentation will be offered during the upcoming work session.
Jobs Addition Neighborhood Association Tackles Weeds with the School District - July 24 @ 6:00 -8:00pm @ Corvallis High School - JANA neighbors are joining together (with face coverings and physical distance) to protect the native shrubs and plants along the section of Dixon Creek that flows through the CHS campus. JANA continues to host work parties of up to 8 volunteers at a time to weed along the Dixon Creek bank and lay down bark chips provided by the School District. Volunteers will bring their own tools and agree to wear masks and maintain physical distance. Check out the before and after photo above.
West Hills Neighborhood Association introduces Masks for Neighbors - WHNA has launched an outreach effort to ensure all their neighbors have access to face coverings. WHNA members who are involved in the local Sewing Brigade effort are stitching up masks for those they share a geographic area with, including those living at Safe Camp.
South Corvallis Bike Path Construction - The long awaited construction of a path from the Marys River to Crystal Lake will be starting on July 27. Corvallis Public Works requests that during construction that the public NOT use the old path and instead use the SW 3rd St sidewalk instead. The path is expected to be completed by the end of September. View the Construction Notice.
Announcements & Upcoming Events
Oregon State University COVID-19 Planning - OSU continues to maintain a COVID-19 information page. The page provides current information regarding the university's re-opening strategy, face covering requirements, and approach to community health. Read more.
Corvallis Fire Department offers Neighborhood Presentations - Our new Fire Chief, Ken McCarthy, and the Corvallis Fire Department would like to partner with neighborhood associations and groups to increase awareness about CFD and its services. The City is offering to host virtual presentations for neighborhoods interested in engaging with our Fire Department. If your neighborhood would like to schedule a city-hosted virtual presentation with the Chief and his team, send us an email. If your neighborhood is in proximity to an outdoor location that allows physical distancing, we can coordinate a small gathering in accordance with current health guidelines. Let's partner!
COVID-19 Quick Links for Neighborhood Leaders: A new website that includes all the links provided to neighborhood leaders related to COVID-19 is now available. The intent is to provide leaders with a central reference point for COVID-19 information that appears in these weekly updates. Check it out.