Harding Neighborhood

About the Neighborhood

The Harding Neighborhood Association holds an annual meeting each fall and conducts topic-related meetings as needed. Their primary communication method is door flyers and email. They also use Next Door.

Current interests include maintaining open space at Harding School, student housing (5 bedroom units), and aging public infrastructure in the neighborhood.

Boundaries: Boundaries are defined by formal bylaws. East by the center line of NW 29th St from NW Harrison Blvd to NW Grant Ave; to the North by the center line of NW Grant Ave from NW 29th St to NW 36th St; to the West by the center line of NW 36th St from NW Grant Ave to NW Harrison Blvd; and to the South by the center line of NW Harrison Blvd from NW 36th St to NW 29th St.



# of Properties


Zoning Types

RS-6, RS-9, RS-20
