Donate to the Center

Support Corvallis Community Center Programs with Your Contribution! 

Your contribution makes a real impact on the vibrant community we've built at the Corvallis Community Center. We rely on generous donations and sponsorship to enhance our free programs, organize exciting programs, and provide essential services for the adults in Corvallis. 


How Your Contribution Helps: 

  • Free Programs: Your support helps us offer a variety of free programs to the community, fostering a sense of connection and well-being. 
  • Exciting Trips and Programs: Contribute to unforgettable experiences by funding trips and recreation programs that bring joy and adventure to the members of our community. 
  • Essential Services: Ensure the continuity of vital services and support that our community members rely on for a fulfilling and enriched life. 


Ways to Donate: 

  • Dine Out for the Center: Enjoy a delicious meal while supporting the cause! Funds raised through this initiative go directly to the Friends of Corvallis Parks & Recreation, benefiting the Center. 
  • Direct Donation: Your direct donations make a significant difference. Visit the Friends of Corvallis Parks and Recreation, a tax-exempt organization online,  Look for the Donation link at the top of the page to contribute and note the donation is for C3-Corvallis Community Center. If you prefer to donate directly to C3-Corvallis Community Center cash, checks, and credit card donations are also accepted at the Center's reception desk. 
  • Sponsorship: If a business, organization or you would like to sponsor a particular activity or event we do have these opportunities. Your sponsorship helps us support the activity and support the business or organization by being noted in the marketing materials associated with that activity. Please ask for the Recreation & Community Services Supervisor to discuss this option, call 541-766-6959. 


Donating Items: 

While we appreciate your generosity, we generally do not accept many donated items at the center. However, you can still make a meaningful impact by contributing: 

  • Used Eye Glasses: Drop off unwanted eye glasses in the donation box located in our lobby. The Corvallis Lions Club refurbishes and redistributes these glasses to individuals in need. 


Your support ensures that the Corvallis Community Center remains a hub of activity, support, and enrichment for our community's adults. Thank you for helping us continue to make a difference!