What's Planned In My Neighborhood
There are many ways to stay in the loop when it comes to development and land use. Curious about what is being planned for your neck of the woods? Want to keep an eye on every detail in every corner?
Browse or sign up to obtain information about current land use applications filed with the City of Corvallis. There are five main ways to stay informed:
- Sign up for our AgencyCounter email Notifications or view applications on a map if you are interested in a particular area or neighborhood in Corvallis.
- Visit our Public Hearings and Staff Reports page for lists of all new applications received and complete applications awaiting a decision
- Sign up to receive land use public notices and copies of recent Corvallis land use decisions
- Explore our online database to search by address, applicant, project type, and more
- Browse and search our documents archive for past and present land use applications