West Hills Neighborhood
- Contacts: Claire Pate (Liaison), Ken Pate (Communications), Deb Sether (Treasurer), and Pat Sowers & Jeanne Holmes (Emergency Preparedness)
- Email: whna.corvallis@gmail.com
About the Neighborhood
The West Hills Neighborhood Association (WHNA) was first formed in 2018 with a set of Bylaws and a Board of Directors providing direction. In 2024, the Bylaws were replaced with a Neighborhood Agreement and the Board of Directors with duly elected Liaisons and a Treasurer. WHNA welcomes all Association members to attend its meetings when called for by its membership. The neighborhood's primary means of communication is email. (Please sign up for the email list by emailing the email address listed above.) The main purpose of the WHNA is to enhance the welfare and livability of the neighborhood by supporting communication between residents and City government and staff, building community, and informing residents of opportunities to learn more about and take part in resolving issues that impact their lives. On-going challenges include helping the City develop a Southwest Corvallis Area Plan; identifying local projects for inclusion in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan such as a neighborhood park; adopting and implementing a corridor plan for SW West Hills Road along with other traffic calming and safety measures; requesting Empowerment Grants annually from the City; alerting members to important upcoming City/County meetings; promoting Emergency Preparedness at a neighborhood level; creating awareness of proposed development within or adjoining our boundary; promoting transportation planning focused on pedestrian, ADA, and bicyclist safety for the west side of town; and creating gathering opportunities to build and celebrate community (such as block parties). All are welcomed and encouraged to participate in accomplishing the betterment of our neighborhood. Sign up to receive WHNA emails and join the WHNA!
Boundaries: Boundaries are established by the Agreement and are as follows: 35th to the east, Hwy 20 to the south, 56th to the west, and West Hills Road and the railroad tracks to the north.
Neighborhood Agreement |
# of Properties 640 |
Zoning Types |
Ward |