Week of 8/3/20 - Neighborhoods

The City of Corvallis produces the weekly Neighborhood Update to help our neighborhoods connect with one another. If you have questions or wish to share information, please send an email.

New This Week 

Note: The Neighborhood Update will not be produced the weeks of 8/10 and 8/17.

COVID-19 Safety Considerations for Gatherings - As the health pandemic stretches across the summer and into the fall, some neighborhood associations are conducting or considering in-person gatherings. Balancing a need for social connection with our responsibility for community health requires great consideration. If your neighborhood is planning an in-person activity or meeting, please consider the risk of the activities chosen and follow the statewide requirements on social gatherings, face coverings, and physical distancing. Current status and guidance is available on the Benton County COVID-19 site.  Benton County is also maintaining a hotline 541-766-6120 for those with questions.

Tools for Participation - The City has posted two recent presentations delivered to the City Council that will be of interest to neighborhood leaders. Each shortened presentation covers a report or document that is used to inform decision-making and offers data for those who are participating in public process. Do not let the titles discourage you - these presentations include relevant information for a wide range of decisions and discussions.

  • Land Development Inventory Report (LDIR) 2019 - The LDIR is produced annually and focuses on the development trends occurring inside City limits. This document provides a wide range of useful data that is commonly referred to in decision-making and helpful when considering community needs.   Data includes general population, Oregon State University (OSU) enrollment, housing condition, stock and ownership, and population density. The report offers perspective and information to help community members place their interest in the context of local trends and needs.
  • OSU Annual Monitoring Report - The OSU Annual Monitoring Report provides information and data addressing several topics of interest to the community including campus development, open space, parking utilization, parking demands, and alternative modes of transit. The report addresses many of these topics by Sector.   

Corvallis School District 2020-2021 School Year - The Corvallis School District has released details regarding the upcoming school year. Classes will begin on September 9 and will be conducted fully online for at least the first six weeks. Read a statement from Superintendent Noss.

West Hills Neighborhood Association hosts the Corvallis Fire Department - August 11 @ 6p @ online - Kenneth McCarthy, Corvallis Fire Chief, will offer a virtual presentation on neighborhood fire safety on August 11th at 6pm. There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions after his presentation. Contact WHNA for details.

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Corvallis Fire Department offers Neighborhood Presentations - Our new Fire Chief, Ken McCarthy, and the Corvallis Fire Department would like to partner with neighborhood associations and groups to increase awareness about CFD and its services. The City is offering to host virtual presentations for neighborhoods interested in engaging with our Fire Department. If your neighborhood would like to schedule a city-hosted virtual presentation with the Chief and his team, send us an email.  If your neighborhood is in proximity to an outdoor location that allows physical distancing, we can coordinate a small gathering in accordance with current health guidelines.

COVID-19 Quick Links for Neighborhood Leaders: A website that includes all the links provided to neighborhood leaders related to COVID-19 is now available. The intent is to provide leaders with a central reference point for COVID-19 information that appears in these weekly updates.  Check it out.