Week of 3/23/20 - Neighborhoods [COVID-19 Information]

The City of Corvallis produces the weekly Neighborhood Update to help our neighborhoods connect with one another. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic makes these connections even more important.  This update will be used for the foreseeable future to offer information to help neighborhood leaders remain informed and connected to the City and other neighborhoods as we navigate COVID-19 together. 

Local Information

City Closures & Cancellations - The City is maintaining a comprehensive list of closures and cancellations affecting city property and facilities.  View a complete list of closures and cancellations here

  • City Playgrounds: All city playgrounds are closed until further notice.
  • Osborn Aquatic Center: Closed through April 28.  
  • Parks & Recreation Classes & Events, including Community Center activities: Canceled through April 28. 
  • Library: The main library and branches in Alsea, Monroe and Philomath are closed through April 28.
  • CTS Bus Service: Operating at a reduced schedule

Local COVID-19 Hotline - The Benton County Health Department is operating a hotline for those who prefer to speak with someone over the phone regarding COVID-19. The hotline is 541-766-6120 and is staffed on Monday - Friday between 11am and 5pm. Callers may also leave a message and phone number for a return call.

Volunteering & Donations - Our local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is working to centralize offers by individuals and groups interested in volunteering to help as well as coordinating donations. Individuals and groups offering to volunteer or donate should contact the Benton County EOC for the time being.  

COVID-19: Be Factual

Accurate facts are critical when talking about and sharing information regarding COVID-19.  Please encourage your neighbors and those you interact with on social media to be fact-based. This helps us all avoid wrongful information and take care of one another.

Neighborhood Q&A

Let's work together to keep communication open. Please share any questions, observations, rumors, or suggestions any time to tracy.oulman@corvallisoregon.gov.  

Neighborhood Check-In - Thank you to those who responded to the Neighborhood Check-In email sent out last Friday. Please see the list of questions and responses below.

  1. Is the email received from a personal gmail account and representing the Benton County Family Response Team and the Coalition of Graduate Employees legitimate?  
    • I spoke with Ava and confirmed the services are being offered by the Coalition of Graduate Employees, in partnership with other organizations.  The group is not yet registered with the EOC and the information was provided to them to help them register.  
  2. Are City parks and natural areas currently open to the public?  
    • City parks and natural areas remain open to the public but users are responsible for practicing social distancing.
    • City playgrounds and restroom facilities are closed to the public until further notice to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  
  3. What actions are being taken by OSU to ensure students living off-campus are practicing social distancing and following the directives of the Governor? Is OSU considering services to help students who may have traveled during Spring Break re-integrate into their off-campus homes (e.g. grocery pick-ups)? Pending