Week of 09/27/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

New This Week

On the Calendar: No events appear on the calendar for this week. Check out past meetings on our Vimeo channel!

Corvallis Fire Department's Drive-Through Open House - October 9 @ 10a - 1p @ Benton County Fairgrounds - CFD will host a Drive-Through Open House this year on Saturday, October 9, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Solar Livestock Barn located at the Benton County Fairgrounds.  Visitors will drive through the barn to look at Fire Department engines, ladder trucks and rescue rigs, and possibly see Sparky the Fire Dog from the safety of their vehicles. Fun for all ages! For more information regarding the Drive-Through Open House, community members can call 541-766-6961 or email. CFD is also actively seeking volunteers to join in a range of community-spirited teams and activities, including  CERT - Community Emergency Response Teams |  CFD Diversity Committee | CFD Auxillary. Learn more.

Welcome OSU Students! - Students attending Oregon State University this fall term spent the past couple weeks moving into their new homes and adjusting to in-person classes. Over the weekend, OSU's Code of Conduct Office and the Corvallis Police Department's Livability Officers partnered to host the annual Neighborhood Canvas Event.  Welcome teams transcended across neighborhoods close to the university to knock on doors, welcome students back, and offer information and resources to help students stay safe, recognize and report nuisance behavior, and feel a part of the Corvallis community.  In the College Hill Neighborhood, Deb Kadas shared similar information with her new neighbors and offered a plate of homemade chocolate cookies as a friendly introduction. Leslie Bishop of the Avery Addition Neighborhood has made saying hello in-person an annual activity to encourage knowing one another. If you have new neighbors, students or otherwise, please make time to welcome them to the neighborhood. Tell us how you welcome new neighbors.

ODOT Pedestrian Bicycle Strategic Program Online Open House - Now open - The Oregon Transportation Commission has allocated $55 million in federal funding in 2024-2027 for pedestrian and bicycle projects that will address the areas of most need on the state's highway system.  At least $10 million of this federal funding allocation will be used for projects that improve walking and biking access to schools.  Visit the program website.

Announcements & Upcoming Events

How to Organize a Plant & Seed Swap  - PlaceCity, a European place-making organization, has released a new guide that is right up our alley!  This guide offers ideas and lessons learned for hosting swap meets for either seeds, vegetable/ garden plants or houseplants. Read the guide

Fair Housing 101 for Landlords - Corvallis' Housing & Neighborhood Services Division is hosting a free online event for our local rental property owners. Federal, state, and local fair housing laws prohibit rental housing owners, property managers, and landlords from discriminating against certain groups in any aspect of residential renting activities, including advertising, screening, and management.  This 2-hour online event is designed to help rental housing providers assess their business practices and ensure compliance with fair housing laws. The Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO) will offer real-world examples and guiding principles on topics such as advertising, screening criteria, reasonable accommodations, companion animals, protected classes, and criminal history. Register to attend.