Week of 08/30/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

New This Week

Joint Meeting for Wards 6 & 9 TONIGHT- August 31 @ 6p - 7:30p @ online - Councilors Struthers and Chaplen invite neighbors in Wards 6 & 9 to join a joint ward meeting. Paul Bilotta, Director of Community Development, will offer a presentation on Middle Housing and how the City is working to comply with HB 2001. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period and then an open forum discussion on other topics that individuals would like to raise. 

Central Park Work Party - September 11 @ 9a @ The Arts Center - The Central Park Neighborhood Association will host a work party to prepare for the Corvallis Fall Festival (September 25 - 26). Corvallis Parks & Recreation staff will provide bark, tools, wheelbarrows, and work gloves. Community members that live outside of the neighborhood and wish to contribute may also attend.  Please bring a face mask for situations in which you may be working near other volunteers.  Learn more.

Justice System Virtual Community Meeting - September 8 @ 5:30 - 7:30p @ online - Benton County invites the community to join a virtual meeting to discuss the need and potential locations for new proposed buildings to serve our residents for the next 40 years and beyond. The meeting will include discussion on the Crisis Center, Courthouse, Correctional Facilities, and Sheriff & Emergency Operations.  Register to attend | Visit Project Website | Sign-up for program updates and meetings 

Announcements & Upcoming Events

On the Calendar: This pilot section offers quick links to events appearing on the City's General Event Calendar. Catch videos from past meetings on Vimeo.

Central Park Neighborhood Association Micro-Shelter Initiative - The Central Park Neighborhood Association (CPNA) is undertaking an effort to help to address homelessness in Corvallis. CPNA is holding a fundraiser to increase transitional housing availability. Neighbors are working with Unity Shelter to raise $16,000 to construct, furnish, and place one micro-shelter at a managed site—the exact location is still to be determined. In the last few weeks, neighbors have contributed $7,000 to help get us off to a solid start with a goal of reaching $16,000 by December 1. CPNA neighbors and the broader community are invited to join this effort. Learn more.