Week of 06/14/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

New This Week

South Sunset Neighborhood Association Shares Resource for Pets and Kids - The SSNA is known for creative ideas about emergency planning. This month they offered up a FEMA Preparedness newsletter that features practical and easy tips to help pet owners plan and prepare for emergencies and evacuations. The newsletter also includes a link to the Prepare with Pedro activity book which introduces these weighty topics to children in a light and fun way. The coloring book is available in various languages.  Read the newsletter.

Jobs Addition Neighborhood Associations Weekly Work Party - Neighbors are invited to a weekly (work) party every Friday from from 5:30 - 6:30p at Corvallis High School. Bring your own gloves, hand tools, and masks and put in an hour in the sun along Dixon Creek. Learn more.

Woodland Park Monthly Work Parties - If you own a dog, love sunsets or sunrises or live in Ward 7, Woodland Park is already on your radar. Monthly work parties are expected to continue through the summer as volunteers improve trails, trim back brush, and remove pesky scotch broom.  Join the fun!

After the Fire Webinar - June 16 @ 12p @ online - When a fire threatens a community it can be an emotional, scary, and traumatic experience, especially if you had to evacuate. There can be a lot of uncertainty around how long an evacuation may last, when it is safe to return, and what you might find when you do. Join us to hear from experts that will discuss what happens after the fire and address some of these uncertainties; including the factors authorities are using to determine when it is safe to return, what to know and expect upon returning, assessing your home and property for damage, important calls to make, and what resources and assistance are available if you have been affected by fire. Register.

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Mary's Annexation Scheduled for City Council - June 21 @ 6p @ online - The Mary's Annexation is an ~118.5 acre site located near the northeast corner of SW 53rd Street and SW West Hills Road. The City Council will hold a limited public hearing to review the proposed annexation agreement. The public hearing is limited to the review of the annexation agreement only. The draft annexation agreement will be available no later than seven days prior to the hearing and available at the application details page located here.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion Staff Position - The City of Corvallis has posted the new Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Coordinator position.  Read the Job Description. Apply for positions with the City.

Circle Boulevard Update & Public Works 101  - Public Works Interim Director Greg Gescher provided a high-level presentation on what Public Works does and offered an update on the Circle Boulevard project during a recent joint ward meeting hosted by Councilors Chaplen (Ward 6) and Struthers (Ward 9). Watch the presentation.

City Advisory Board Vacancies - The City of Corvallis seeks input and advice from the public through a network of policy advisory boards, task forces, committees, and work groups. Participants are typically community members interested in making an impact on a particular policy topic or area of service. Time commitments vary, from regular monthly meetings on long-term policy topics, to short-term task forces that work for a few months on a specific issue and then conclude their work. APPLY! | View the complete vacancy list

  • Budget Commission: Be involved in the City's budget process! Learn about revenues and expenses, review, provide feedback, and make recommendations on the annual City Budget.
  • Climate Action Advisory Board: Be actively involved in the City's efforts to meet our climate action goals. Assist in implementing the Climate Action Plan. Shape policy recommendations with climate in mind.
  • Community Involvement and Diversity Advisory Board: Provide insights and recommendations to the City Council regarding public participation. Propose methods for access to information for residents, members of appointed bodies, and neighborhood groups. Facilitate the involvement of residents in all phases of land use planning and decision making in accordance with Statewide Land Use Goal #1. Facilitate implementation of Registered Neighborhood Groups.
  • Imagine Corvallis Action Network: Role up your sleeves and help the City meet our Corvallis 2040 Vision.