Week of 05/24/21 - Neighborhoods

The Corvallis Multi-Cultural Literacy Center welcomes attendees to a drive/walk/bike through event hosted at the center.

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Please note that City Hall and city services will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.

New This Week

Benton County Risk Level is now *LOWER RISK* -  Benton County has hit a milestone - 70% of people aged 16 and older have received at least one dose of the vaccine.  View the Risk Activity Guide for allowed activities.  Vaccinations: As of May 13, Benton County is now providing the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to individuals age 12 and older at regular clinics. People 18 and older are also able receive the Moderna or Johnson and Johnson vaccines. Schedule an Appointment | Attend a Mass Vaccination Clinic. Get all the resources you need at  Benton County COVID Resources.

Central Park Invites YOU to join a Work Party - June 5 @ 9a - 1p @ Central Park - The Central Park Neighborhood Association is asking for neighborhoods across the community to join a work party. Central Park, one of the oldest, most beloved parks in our city, relies on volunteer efforts throughout the year and it has been hard hit by the pandemic. Weeds are so severe in some places that longtime plantings of flowers and bushes are being crowded out. If you've enjoyed the Fall Festival, taken your children to the new playground, or attended a concert on the park lawn, please join. Many hands make for light work and the Central Park Neighborhood Association is inviting friends from throughout Corvallis to help them tackle the job.  Please stop by the new playground at 7th & Madison Street to check-in, bring work gloves and hand tools, and plan to observe face covering and physical distancing guidance. Join the Fun!  

Middle Housing Departmental Advisory Group Work Group is Progressing - May 25 @ 5p @ online - A department advisory group is preparing recommendations to help the City meet the requirements of HB2001.  The group will review recommendations to date and remaining policy decisions at its next meeting.  Agenda | Meeting Packet | Website

Wards 6 & 9 Joint Ward Meeting - June 3 @ 6:30p @ online - Councilors Chaplen and Struthers will host a joint ward meeting featuring Public Works Interim Director Greg Gescher.  He will be doing a high-level presentation on the work that Public Work does, as well as an update on the Circle Blvd pilot project. Neighbors in Porter Park and Garfield neighborhood associations are located in these wards.| Learn which ward you are in

Announcements & Upcoming Events

HWY 99 Update -The Oregon Department of Transportation is working with the City of Corvallis and other stakeholders to complete the OR 99W South Corvallis Refinement Study.  ODOT provided a project update at the last City Council meeting, including project schedule, public engagement and a summary of input, and key findings to date.  

HOPE Recommendations - The Home, Opportunity, Planning and Equity (HOPE) advisory board presented recommendations at last week's joint work session with the Benton County Commission. The Council and Commission discussed next steps. Read the recommendations  | Watch the discussion

New Housing Project in SouthWest Corvallis - Commonwealth Development held a neighborhood meeting for neighborhood associations in the southwest area of town and community members known to have an interest in its project earlier in the month. The new multi-family complex will offer workforce housing.  View the slideshow.