Week of 04/19/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. 

New This Week

Benton County Risk Level: HIGH RISK - The COVID-19 risk level determines which activities are permitted in the county. View the Risk Activity Guide.  Vaccinations: Any Oregonian over the age of 16 can now sign-up for the vaccine. Schedule an Appointment | Benton County COVID Resources

Get Involved with the Corvallis Fire Department! - Chief McCarthy and the Corvallis Fire Department invite the community to partner and participate in new opportunities. CFD is offering classes, presentations, and hands-on learning opportunities for groups and individuals. Opportunities also exist for those interested in becoming a neighborhood lead, auxiliary member, or volunteer firefighter. Interested in a presentation? Visit the Virtual for Neighborhoods page.  Learn more.

Middle Housing Project Update Tonight and Upcoming Open House  - April 19 @ 6p @ online - In 2019, the Oregon legislature passed House Bill 2001 in an effort to address the State's housing deficit. As a result of the new law, cities with a population of 25,000 or more must allow duplexes on any lot zoned to allow single-family detached dwellings by June 30, 2022. Additional housing types (triplex, fourplex and cottage cluster) must also be allowed in areas zone for residential use. The Middle Housing Code Department Advisory Committee has been working to prepare recommendations for local code amendments to meet the June 2022 deadline. An update on the project will be provided during the City Council meeting tonight. An open house is planned for the near future. 

CitySpeak to Host Future of Journalism Panel Discussion - April 20 @ 6:30 @ Online - Local journalism is the news that Nat Geo and the New York Times can’t tell you. It’s the journalism that covers what’s planned for your street, and what’s happening in your schools. Local journalism impacts your daily life. Yet, community-based journalism is facing existential challenges. Join a panel discussion with local journalists to explore these challenges at the local level. Learn more.

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Land Development Information Report is Coming - May 3 @ City Council Regular Meeting - The Planning Division will present the current Land Development Information Report (LDIR) during the May 3 meeting. Don't let the title fool you - this report provides data and trends over time on a wide range of topics that will interest just about everyone.  The LDIR sets the stage for discussing current and expected population trends and development conditions. It includes a summary of land use approvals, changes in land supply, and land availability broken down by both zoning and development constraints. Read the LDIR | Attend the Meeting

OSU Annual Campus Monitoring Report is Coming - May 3 @ City Council Regular Meeting - OSU provides land use monitoring data to the City Council on an annual basis pursuant to Section 3.36.90 of the LDC. The reports include information regarding development and open space, parking utilization, traffic operations, and efforts to support alternate transportation. The new 2020 report will be presented to the City Council during the May 3 regular meeting and a copy will be included in the May 3 packet.  A link to the report will appear in this newsletter as soon as it is made available. Attend the meeting | View past monitoring reports | Learn more about OSU Land Use

Unmanaged and Illegal Camping Policies Updated - Several neighborhoods have expressed an interest in the City’s policies on illegal camping and enforcement. The City Council recently revisited these policies and passed several motions.  Watch the meeting | Read the motions (pages 13-20 of e-packet). Additional discussions are planned including (1) Allocation of Council discretionary funds for enforcement and clean-up during a regular meeting tonight and (2) Discussion regarding City Council policies on houselessness during a week session on 4/22/21.  City Council meeting details.