Week of 04/05/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. 

New This Week

Benton County Risk Level: HIGH RISK - The COVID-19 risk level determines which activities are permitted in the county. View the Risk Activity Guide.  Vaccinations: All individuals who are included in Phase 1b Group 7 (click here for details) and all previous groups are eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Determine Eligibility | Sign-up for Email Updates | Schedule an Appointment

City Council to Discuss Illegal Camping Policies - April 5 @ 6p @ online - Several neighborhoods have expressed an interest in the City’s current policies on illegal camping and enforcement. The City Council will revisit these policies in response to community feedback during tonight's meeting.  The Council packet includes a staff memo with (1) background on past decisions (2) a description of current policies in place (3) potential options for the Council to consider. The staff memo is available in the Council Packet posted here.  Those interested in attending the meeting can find details here.

HOPE Policy Recommendations Available for Public Review Responses due by April 15 - The Home, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity (HOPE) Board conducted listening sessions with a range of neighborhood and community groups in November and December 2020. The listening sessions, in conjunction with a gap analysis and provider data, were used to inform draft policies for the Corvallis City Council and the Benton County Commission to consider in the future. The draft policies are available for public review. Those who review the draft policies are encouraged to take the survey and attend the Community Feedback Session planned for April 13 from 4 - 6pm.

  • Read the draft policies
  • Comment on the draft policies
  • Attend the Community Feedback Session

Officer Involved Shooting Details Released - Details regarding an officer involved shooting that occurred on April 3 are available to the public. The Corvallis Police Department posted an initial press release on April 3 at 7:30am and the Benton County Chief District Attorney provided an update on April 3 at 5:00pm.  CPD Press Release | Benton County Update

Announcements & Upcoming Events

City Offices are Open - The City of Corvallis has re-opened most offices, facilities, and public lobbies to the general public. Learn more.

Building Community for Wildfire Resilience - April 14 @ 1p - 2p @ online - Are you ready for the next wildfire season? Last summer’s wildfire events impacted most Oregonians and we learned that EVERYONE living in Oregon should be prepared for a wildfire emergency. Every community is different though, and it can be difficult to navigate all of the resources. Join this upcoming webinar session to discuss how to promote wildfire safety while building community and sharing a common goal.  Register.

Own Voices ChallengeMarch 21 - May 17 -The Corvallis-Benton County Library has launched the Own Voices Challenge. The activity is a spring reading, listening, and watching challenge. Read, listen, or watch titles in 5 of 12 categories/themes (e.g., Black Voices, Diverse Abilities, Poverty and Homelessness) to earn activity badges. Those that earn 5 badges or more qualify for a free anti-racism or Black voices book, while supplies last. Learn more.