Week of 03/15/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. 

New This Week

ATTENTION! Benton County Risk Level: HIGH RISK - Benton County's risk level improved to High Risk as of March 12!  Our Economic Development Office (EDO) has released a detailed list of the new changes, an explanation as to how risk is assessed, and vaccine sequencing.  Let's keep moving in this direction by wearing our face coverings, maintaining physical distance, washing our hands, and keeping our gatherings small.  A few exciting changes include:

  • Outdoor social and at-home gathering size is limited to 6 people max (same as Extreme Risk)
  • Indoor dining is allowed at 25% capacity or 50 people total.
  • Outdoor dining is allowed. Capacity limited to 75 max.
  • Indoor recreation and fitness is allowed at 25% capacity or 50 people total. Includes gyms, indoor pools, and other indoor recreation.
  • Indoor entertainment is allowed at 25% capacity or 50 people total. Includes theatres, museums and indoor entertainment of any kind.
  • Long-term care facilities are expanded to indoor and outdoor visitation.

Parks & Recreation Master Planning - March 17 @ 6:30 - 7:30p @ online - Parks & Recreation Director Meredith Petit and Parks Planner Jackie Rochefort will provide a broad overview of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan, explain how the plan is created and modified, and the way the plan influences the creation and maintenance of our neighborhood parks and recreation areas.  Register here.

It Takes a Village Fire Prevention Webinar - March 17 @ noon @ online - The OSU Extension Fire Program will kick off its community webinar fire prevention webinar series with an introduction to fire risk, community preparedness, and knowing your resources. The series continues on alternating Wednesdays through June 16th. Learn more.

OR99W South Corvallis Facility Plan Virtual Open House ends this week Open through March 21 - Highway 99W in South Corvallis is the focus of a planning effort that will determine how best to improve safety and mobility along this corridor. The Facility Plan is led by Oregon Department of Transportation in close collaboration with the City of Corvallis. Read the Newsletter | Attend the Virtual Open House | Ask a question.

Groundwater Awareness Week in Skyline West Neighborhood - The SWNA Safety Committee is raising neighborhood awareness about our local water supply and the unique circumstances affecting areas that rely on well water. Efforts include daily tips, a discounted rate with a local well water testing company, resources for well owners, and tips for emergency water supplies.  An excellent idea for those who rely on well water in our area. Thank you SWNA!

Read | Watch | Consider - Recommendations from 2020 - The health pandemic has resulted in more time to read, watch, and consider. Neighborhood representatives from across the community offer  recommendations of books, podcasts, and movies for those looking to bend their mind. Check it out!

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Applicants Sought for Advisory Board Vacancies - The City Council seeks advice from the public through a network of advisory boards, task forces, committees, and work groups. This provides an excellent opportunity for those interested in learning how local decisions are made and being a part of decision-making. If you are interested in one of the following vacancies, submit an application by 5p on April 2.

  • Historic Resources Commission - The HRC is a quasi-judicial decision-maker for matters related to the preservation of Corvallis historic resources. The Commission considers requests to add or remove Historic Preservation Overlay designations, as well as permits and appeals sought by property owners within the overlay district. Learn more.
  • Planning Commission - The Planning Commission is a quasi-judicial body that considers development proposals, annexations, and provides recommendations regarding the City's Comprehensive PlanLand Development Code, and detailed plans (such as the Transportation Plan). Learn more.

Joint Ward Meeting for Wards 6 & 9 - March 23 @ 6:30p @ online - Save the date! Councilors Chaplen & Struthers invite those living in Wards 6 & 9 to a joint meeting. The agenda will include staff presentations on Park & Recreation and Emergency Preparedness followed by a Q&A with these City Councilors. Join the discussion.

West Hills Neighborhood Hosts Community Presentations - March 31 @  5:30 - 6:45p @ online - WHNA members will provide updates to their neighborhood about the various community boards and efforts in which they are involved.  Presentations with include the Friends of Corvallis Parks & Recreation, the Garden Share Initiative, and Home, Opportunity, Planning, and Equity (HOPE) Board. This event represents a creative way to connect a neighborhood to the broader community. Thank you WHNA!