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Codes and Standards

Corvallis Construction Codes and Design Assumptions

There are several codes which regulate construction of buildings and related structures in the City of Corvallis. Many of these codes are statewide codes adopted through the Oregon Building Codes Division and locally administered by the Development Services Division. Additional codes are locally adopted and administered and may differ from those utilized by other jurisdictions. The following are links to these codes:

Community Development Publications

Forms, Applications and Fees

The following is a list of Development Services Applications, Forms and Permit Information.

Materials are divided into categories. Click on any link to jump to the relevant category further down on this page.

Comprehensive Plan

Current Comprehensive Plan  (Amended through January 1, 2025)
You may download a single, fully-bookmarked version of the current version Comprehensive Plan Text and Map at the following links:

Land Development Code

Current Land Development Code (Amended through January 1, 2025)
The Corvallis Land Development Code (LDC) is available in a downloadable (PDF) format or online.

Fully-bookmarked, text-searchable PDF versions of the entire LDC, or individual chapters, are available at the following links:

Strategic Plan

The City of Corvallis Strategic Plan has been developed as a tool to assist elected officials and City staff.

Planning Division

It is the mission of the Planning Division to facilitate land use planning efforts for the community consistent with state mandates and the community’s vision.

City Recorder

Public Records Requests

Get started by using the online form or Administrative Procedure #1.14.



Elections in Corvallis

Elections are conducted by Benton County. Elections for City candidates or measures can occur in May (primary election), November of even-numbered years (general election), November of odd-numbered years, or March of any year if needed (special election).

Housing and Neighborhood Services Division

It is the mission of the Housing and Neighborhood Services Division to facilitate community livability and to assist with the creation and maintenance of affordable, habitable housing opportunities for lower-income and/or housing disadvantaged Corvallis residents. We do these things by:
