The Finance Department for the City of Corvallis includes administrative operations for the Municipal Court, City Services and Ambulance billing, Accounting, Budget, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Property Risk Management for the financial resources of the City. These services are provided by 17 staff members, with a 2022-2023 budget of roughly 5.17 million.
In the City of Corvallis, food carts can be permanently placed as "Mobile Food Units" (MFUs) within the downtown area, or as a "Temporary Outdoor Market" when operating on a given property for 45 calendar days or fewer per year. For both types, the use must be located on private property, with the property owner's permission, and the property must be zoned so as to allow the use. Food carts are generally not allowed to operate from public rights-of-way (streets or sidewalks), on public property (parks, etc.), or within residential zones. Any use involving food sales requires
Sign regulations may be found in Chapter 4.7 of the Corvallis Land Development Code. Sign permits are required for most signs on private property. Some signs are prohibited (see Section 4.7.50), and there are some exceptions (see Section 4.7.70).
The City of Corvallis' Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control (EPSC) program has been developed to comply with a number of Federal, State and City regulations and citizen’s concerns to minimize the impact of development activities on local waterways, adjacent properties, streets and storm infrastructure.
The Sidewalk Café program and Business Use of Right-of-Way program (BROW) allow businesses located within downtown Corvallis to use a portion of public sidewalks and parking spaces for outdoor dining. Each program requires the submission of the appropriate permit application to verify all eligibility requirements have been met. Additionally, the BROW program is available for only a portion of the year, May 1 – October 31, while the Sidewalk Café Program is available year-round.
As of July 1, 2024, the current living wage is $16.23 per hour.
The living wage is adjusted annually on July 1 based on the prior calendar year’s Consumer Price Index. A citizen sponsored initiative to have a Living Wage was passed by voters in November, 1999.
As of February 1, 2022, all City of Corvallis, Benton County, and State of Oregon Lodging Taxes will be collected by the Oregon Department of Revenue. Please remit all payments to the Oregon Department of Revenue.
Previous City budget documents from past fiscal years are available to review at the links below. If you are seeking older documents, please contact the Finance Department for assistance.
The Corvallis City Council has adopted legislation establishing system development charges (SDCs) for water, sewer, drainage (stormwater), streets, and parks services. SDCs are updated annually to account for inflation and changes to the SDC project lists.