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La ciudad anuncia cierres y cancelaciones relacionadas con COVID-19

La gobernadora Kate Brown emitió una orden ejecutiva el 23 de marzo que ordena a los residentes de Oregón que se queden en sus hogares, excepto para los viajes esenciales. Si no está seguro acerca de una actividad, omitirla. Quedarse en casa tanto como sea posible durante este tiempo salvará vidas.

Más información sobre la orden ejecutiva, incluida una lista de qué hacer y qué evitar hacer, está disponible en línea.

Here’s Why The Census Matters to Corvallis

Potholes, bus stops, and housing grants – these aren’t the things we normally associate with the U.S. Census, but that’s what is at stake in Corvallis as the 2020 Census approaches.

The Census happens once every 10 years and provides an opportunity to count every person residing in the United States. This includes people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, citizens and noncitizens. Census materials will be mailed out later this month, and responses will be collected starting in April.

Report a Hate and Bias Incident

A hate and bias incident is any hostile expression that may be motivated by another person’s race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity. The act does not need to be a federal, state or local crime.

COVID-19 Coronavirus Information

The Benton County Health Department is leading the local response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CANCELED-- Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Special meeting of the Board to advise the City Council on bicycle and pedestrian matters and discuss the resurfacing of Circle Boulevard.

UPDATE March 13, 2020: At this time the meeting is still scheduled to take place and has not been canceled. City staff is monitoring the situation, and Council will be discussing the possibility of canceling all Board and Committee meetings at their next meeting on Monday, March 16.

South Corvallis Area Planning Surveys

South Corvallis Area Planning Surveys

Land Development Hearings Board

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Land Development Hearings Board here.

City Legislative Committee - CANCELED

The meeting is canceled.  More information about the Committee is available here.
