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Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission

New Weekly Schedule for Benton County Donation Drop-Off Site

The Benton County Emergency Operation Center’s donation drop-off site is scaling back its operation after volunteers collected more than 20,000 masks, gloves, face shields, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to help the local pandemic response since late March.

Land Development Hearings Board

Pursuant to Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-16, item 2.a., issued on April 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Land Development Hearings Board meeting will be conducted online only. The Fire Station Meeting Room will be closed to the public.

How Can I Participate?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people wishing to participate in the meeting are strongly encouraged to submit their comments in writing.

Submit you comments in writing:

Instructors Wanted!


Share Your Knowledge as a Community Center Instructor or Lecturer!

The Center is always looking for new instructors, lecturers and seminar presenters to expand and enhance our activity and class offerings. If you have a hobby, skill or topic you would like to share with the community, we want to hear from you. Both volunteer and paid options are available.

Senator Merkley to Speak at Small Business Online Forum

Senator Jeff Merkley will headline a virtual town hall at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 7 for local business owners in the Benton County area. The event is part of a new program called Let’s Keep Connected, which shares information specific to building business resiliency in the mid-valley region.

The virtual town hall is free, and registration is available online at

Statement from Corvallis Mayor Biff Traber on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Corvallis Mayor Biff Traber issued the following statement on April 2, 2020, after a briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic by City staff participating in the countywide emergency operations center.

Corvallis Police Offers Prescription Delivery

As part of the joint City/County response to Covid-19, members of the Corvallis Police Department’s Community Livability Unit helped reduce the impact of COVID-19 by delivering prescriptions to City of Corvallis residents who were age 65 or older or had a life-threatening pre-existing medical condition. As our response to the pandemic has evolved, this program is no longer available. Although we are no longer offering this service, the Corvallis Police Department remains committed to the safety of our community!

City Extends Local Emergency Declaration Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

City Manager Mark Shepard extended on March 30 the City's local emergency declaration until further notice as the community responds to the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement supersedes the City's original emergency declaration that was issued on March 13.

The Benton County Emergency Operation Center (EOC) has been leading the response to the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two weeks. The EOC is staffed jointly by the City of Corvallis and Benton County to focus local resources on the pandemic.

Housing | COVID-19 Resources

Housing instability due to COVID-19 is a concern for individuals and families across our community.
