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Due Process Hearing Rescheduled to February 5, 2024

The due process hearing to consider the possible violation of the City Charter by Councilor Charlyn Ellis, which had been scheduled to take place at the January 16, 2024 City Council meeting, has been rescheduled to the February 5 Council meeting. The schedule change was requested by Councilor Ellis’ legal counsel.

See the Corvallis City Council three-month calendar for more information on upcoming meetings.

Economic Development Coalition

The Economic Development Coalition (EDC) meeting will be held virtually and in-person at the Madison Avenue Meeting Room at 4:00 p.m. 

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend EDC meetings. This meeting is being held both virtually and in-person. Those who would like to attend the meeting may do so using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1n6IMwG9Skqa-rVsSUcVGA

Economic Development Coalition

The Economic Development Coalition meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m. 

Community members who would like to attend the meeting may do so using this link: TBA

City Council Executive Session

The Council will meet in Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(o) (security of public body facilities and meeting spaces) and (e) (status of real property transaction).


Executive Sessions

Corvallis e-News | January 2024

In this issue: Learn how we're living with beavers, send in your feedback about the Strategic Plan, and more!

Corvallis Budget Flowchart

Learn more about how the City of Corvallis budget comes together each year, as well as opportunities to provide public input along the way, with this handy flowchart.

Active Transportation Newsletter

The Active Transportation Newsletter is full of transportation-related project updates, news, events, resources and opportunities to engage with the City of Corvallis. It's published quarterly, with a few news blasts outside of the regular publishing schedule.


Email addresses collected through this page will be used solely to communicate information from the City of Corvallis; they will not be provided to private parties or used for commercial purposes.


View Past Newsletters:

Smart Irrigation Rebate Program

Summer is when people water their lawns the most, but it is also when the most water gets wasted due to over-watering. The easiest way to water just the right amount is to invest in the right technology. The Smart Irrigation Rebate program is here to help.

