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Police and Fire Public Safety Fees FAQ

Starting on July 1, 2019, the City of Corvallis will begin assessing two fees on City Services bills. Revenue from the fees is dedicated to supporting the Corvallis Police Department and Corvallis Fire Department. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the fees.

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Major Water Project Will Replace Pipes Spanning Marys River

The City of Corvallis Public Works Department will begin a major project this summer to replace two large water pipelines that cross the Marys River and deliver treated drinking water to the north and northwest portions of Corvallis.

"Need to Know" Laws in Corvallis

The Corvallis Police Department has compiled a number of need-to-know ordinances for residents and visitors. These ordinances are enforced by the Corvallis Police Department.

This is not an all-encompassing list of City ordinances. Community members are encouraged to review the complete Corvallis Municipal Code and the Livability Code for additional information.

Alcohol Awareness Campaign Materials

In the fall of 2017, CPD's Community Livability Unit unveiled an alcohol awareness educational campaign in partnership with the Benton County Health Department and Oregon State University.  The partnership worked with the Madison Avenue Collective, a local marketing and design firm, to develop an educational campaign which would resonate with people ages 18 to 25.

After months of collaboration, the campaign began. Posters and handouts were distributed across Oregon State University, at local alcohol retailers and restaurants, as well as various convenience and grocery stores.

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (C.P.T.E.D. pronounced as "Sep-ted") is a proactive crime fighting technique in which the proper design and effective use of parks, open spaces, buildings and surroundings lead to a reduction in crime as well as an improvement in the quality of life for the entire community. While CPTED principles can reduce the opportunity for crime, additional programs should be implemented to tackle the root cause of the crimes affecting the areas where the audits are performed.
