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Fire Department Drive-Through Open House on October 9

The Corvallis Fire Department is pleased to announce it will host a Drive-Through Open House this year on Saturday, October 9, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Solar Livestock Barn located at the Benton County Fairgrounds.  Visitors will be able to remain in their vehicles as they drive through the barn to look at Fire Department engines, ladder trucks and rescue rigs, and have a chance to see Sparky the Fire Dog.

Week of 08/30/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

City Council Executive Session

The Council will meet in Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2)(i)(status of employment-related performance (City Attorney and Municipal Judge evaluations

Executive Sessions

City/County Joint Work Session

The City Council and Benton County Board of Commissioners will meet jointly to continue their discussion about HOPE recommendations. The public may register to observe the meeting via this link: https://www.co.benton.or.us/boc/page/joint-meeting-board-commissioners-a...


Mixed Use Departmental Advisory Committee

Pursuant to Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-16, item 2.a., issued on April 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be conducted online only.

How Can I Participate?

The public may register to watch the meeting live on the internet via this link:


Week of 08/23/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. Contributions are always welcomed and considered - please send by Friday of the preceding week.

July Treasury Report

The July Treasury Report from the City of Corvallis Finance Department is now available online.
