Web Page

Grantee HUD Resources

Applicant and Grantee Handbooks and RFPs

Guidance documents for agencies that intend to apply for or have received allocations of CDBG and/or AHCET funding have been developed.

Social Service Funding

Social Service Funding 

On an annual basis, the City of Corvallis allocates $480,000 to social service organizations serving the needs of low income families/individuals living in the City of Corvallis. This program is currently administered by United Way of Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties and funding is distributed in accordance with Council Policy #G1.04, Social Service Grant Funding

CDBG and HOME Funding Opportunities

City of Corvallis Issues Request for Proposals (RFP) for

Community Development Block Grant & HOME Investment Partnerships Grant Program


Update 1/24/2025: FY 25-26 CDBG Human Services Fund Q&A posted

Update 1/6/2025: CDBG Human Services RFP issued

Corvallis e-News | March 2022

In this issue: Meet the new Fire Chief, sign up for Corvallis Police 101, and browse active land use cases at the City.

(View this newsletter in your web browser.)

Employment Opportunities

Apply HERE or contact the coordinator listed for each position for more details. This is not a comprehensive list of positions. Click the apply here link for all jobs. 

City Council Executive Session

The Council will meet in Executive Session under (h)(status of pending litigation or litigation likely to be filed). 


Executive Sessions
