Corvallis Police Department Detectives, along with member of the Linn/Benton Major Crimes Team, continue to interview witnesses and evaluate evidence in order to complete the investigation and deliver it to the Linn County District Attorney’s Office. There is no new information to share at this time.
The Albany Police Department was called the morning of February 8th, 2023 due to concern that 34-year-old Albany resident Julius Hamilton may be suicidal. Officers from APD as well as Deputies from the Linn County Sheriff’s Office located Hamilton in his vehicle parked at Freeway Lakes Park. Despite APD and LCSO attempts to diffuse the situation, Hamilton pointed a handgun at the officers and deputies.
The Council will meet in Executive Session under ORS 192.660 (f) (To consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection and (h) (status of pending litigation or litigation likely to be filed).
The Community Involvement and Diversity Advisory Board (CIDAB) will meet at 6:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend CIDAB meetings. Community members who would like to attend the meeting may do so in-person at the Madison Avenue Meeting Room or virtually using this link: