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Discussion Series Presentations and Deliberations

This page provides links to staff presentations and Council deliberations that led to Council’s selection of capital targets, the five-year transition plan, and the engagement strategy.

Click here to return to the main Capital Targets Discussion Series & City Service Bill Rate Impacts page.


Capital Targets Discussion Series & City Service Bill Rate Impacts

Beginning in August 2023, Council kicked-off a months-long discussion series aimed at balancing financial needs and means for capital projects in our Water, Sewer, Stormwater, and Street systems.  Not surprisingly, the financial resources required to fund identified needs far exceed the financial resources currently available in each service area.

CANCELED: Corvallis Urban Renewal Agency Executive Session

The Corvallis Urban Renewal Agency Executive Session for June 17, 2024 has been CANCELED


Safe Streets & Roads For All Task Force

Court Arrest/Citation Resources

Juvenile Arrest Instructions
Instructions for the parents or legal guardians of juveniles taken into protective custody or cited by the Corvallis Police Department.

Benton County Juvenile Department
The Benton County Juvenile Department has a strong commitment to providing evidence-based programs and services to youths who violate the law.  An individual case plan is developed for each juvenile offender.

Police Resources

Victim Resources
Resources for victims of crime.

Court Arrest/Citation Resources
Resources for persons needing to address citations or criminal court cases.

Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan Update Task Force

The Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan Update Task Force Meeting will be held at 5:00 pm at the Madison Avenue Meeting Room and also virtually.

This meeting is open to the community.
