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Underground Utility Line Locates

Call Before Digging — call 811 — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 

Planning to dig? Perhaps you will be putting in a new flower border, planting a tree, or placing fence posts. All residents, contractors or anyone planning to dig must call to request the location of underground utilities 48 hours before digging. This is a requirement of Oregon law: Sections 1 to 5 and 7, Chapter 691, Oregon Laws 1995. 

What happens if you don't call:

Avoid Frozen Pipes

As winter begins, so does the risk of frozen water pipes. Frozen water pipes can be more than an inconvenience. Since water is not compressible, and increases in volume as it freezes, it can lead to a burst, broken, or cracked pipe. Not only will this lead to a potentially costly waste of water, but it could also cause water damage inside your home.

A few simple steps can help you avoid frozen pipes:

Medical Health Data System

Can you anticipate that you, or a family member, might experience an emergency situation involving a medical condition such as autism, dementia, or bipolar disorder? In an emergency, could that person be better served if responders had additional information such as a specific person to call for additional assistance, or a specific medication the person may need?

Police Permits

Alarm Permits

City of Corvallis ordinance requires all businesses and residences (within the City limits) with alarm systems to have a permit on file with the Corvallis Police Department. These annual permits cost $20. Alarm permit applications may be completed online or by contacting Central Square at 866-429-7340. You can also reach a staff member at the police department by calling 541-766-6526 for further assistance. 

Rideshare and Taxicab Licenses

Street Sweeping

For most city streets, sweeping takes place once per month from April through August. Sweeping continues at twice per month for the rest of the year, including during the Fall Leaf Collection Program in November and December. To find out when your street will be swept, identify the sweeping district you live in on the sweeping districts map and then check the schedule below for your district.

Capital Improvement Program

Every year the City of Corvallis publishes an update to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP is a 5-year planning document identifying capital project expenditures anticipated throughout the community.


The Transportation Division helps provide orderly movement of goods and services and protects public health and safety through a number of diverse services including streets, street lights, sidewalks, bikeways, municipal airport and industrial park, public transit, and neighborhood traffic calming. The Division manages programs and services to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips and provides transportation demand management services. Many services are performed through public agency and private partnerships.

Parade Permits

A permit from Public Works Department is required to conduct a procession, parade, race, or special event on any street and/or sidewalk under the jurisdiction of the City of Corvallis. Applications shall be made in writing. Click here for the application form.

Corvallis Forest

The Corvallis Forest is located approximately 16 miles west of Corvallis off Highway 34 on Marys Peak. The Corvallis Forest consists of 2352 acres that is part of the  larger 10,000 acres of the Rock Creek Watershed. The bulk of the acreage not managed by the City is managed by the United States Forest Service (USFS) as part of the Siuslaw National Forest. The City began purchasing properties in the Watershed in the early 1900's and has been using it as a source of drinking water supply since that time.

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