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Osborn Small Pool

The small warm therapy pool's temperature is at 91 degrees F which makes it ideal for little toddlers and exercise. The pool's depth is 2.5 feet and gradually slopes down to 4.5 feet at the deep end. The small pool has long, wide access steps with handrails down the middle and along one side that run the full length of the stairs. If you rent the small pool you will have access to foam "noodle" toys! 


Community Gardens Master Plan

Parks and Recreation, in partnership with the Corvallis Environmental Center, has developed community gardens for the benefit and enjoyment of the community.  The Community Gardens Master Plan details this partnership and how the parties work together.

Owens Farm Management Plan

Adopted in 2004, the Owens Farm Management Plan outlines the long range plans for this property on the north edge of Corvallis.  The final Plan outlines the cultural, educational, environmental and recreations opportunities that can be developed for the benefit of the community.

Arts and Culture Study and Strategic Plan

Corvallis Parks and Recreation hired Conservation Technix to conduct a study of arts and culture in Corvallis and help develop a strategic plan to enhance arts and culture in the community.  A copy of the final report is available for viewing and printing.

2015 Corvallis Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update

This Master Plan update focuses on immediate/short-term (1-2 years), mid-term (3-5 years), and longer-term (more than 5 years) capital development and improvement strategies that correspond to the community’s unmet needs and priority investments for critical parks and recreation services. This plan aligns available and future resources with services and commitments to include desired level of service, sustainable fiscal stewardship, and industry best practices in operating and maintain the Department’s infrastructure and providing services.  

Parks & Recreation Documents

Corvallis Parks and Recreation operations and decision-making are guided by a multi-faceted strategic planning framework.  Many of the current master, strategic and/or resource management plans can be found here. 

Parks & Recreation Advisory Boards & Commissions

Corvallis Parks and Recreation supports various boards and commissions that advise City Council on such topics as parks, urban forestry, recreation, natural areas, arts and culture.

Citizen participation on City of Corvallis boards and commissions serves two important purposes:

Sports Fields

Whether you're looking for a place to play baseball, soccer, softball,  sand volleyball,  disc golf, or horseshoes, we have you covered!  Ball fields are are conveniently located in parks throughout Corvallis, while disc golf and horseshoe pits are located in Avery Park. If not reserved, fields are available for use on a first-come, first-served basis (unless they have been closed due to playing conditions - players should call the Sports Rainout Line, 541-766-6921, for information on field closures).
