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The vast majority of records generated by the City of Corvallis (including elected officials and City staff) are considered public records under state laws and are available for inspection by the public.

Many records generated by routine City business, such as permits, annual reports, and meeting minutes, are available on the City website. Some records may be stored in the City's online archive. Other records may not be stored on the City website, but are available upon request.

Historic Walking Tour - Corvallis Benton County Public Library


The Corvallis Public Library Building is the culmination of years of work by members of the Corvallis Coffee Club, the Corvallis Woman's Club, and other community members. Unlike many other communities of comparable size, Corvallis did not have a Carnegie Library. Funds for the current library were raised solely by the community; an achievement which points to the value placed on the pursuit of knowledge. 

Historic Walking Tour - Central Park


Former site of three schools, the earliest of which was built in 1861.

Historic Walking Tour - Madison Street Methodist Church


The Methodist Church South Building is significant for the role it has played in religious and governmental activities in Corvallis during the 20th century. Although neither architecturally pure, nor great, the exterior of the building today provides an intact example of local church architecture in the 1920's, a period during which many Corvallis congregations built new edifices to replace their wood-frame Gothic-style churches. In most cases, these churches looked to the classical period for design inspiration. 
