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February Treasury Report Now Available

The February Treasury Report from the City of Corvallis Finance Department is now available online.

CANCELED Housing & Community Development Advisory Board

This meeting has been canceled.  The HCDAB met earlier this month on March 7.

The Housing and Community Development Advisory Board (HCDAB) formulates and recommends policies on housing and community revitalization issues, with an emphasis on older, declining, or lower income neighborhoods. Read more about HCDAB here.

City Council

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings. 

Members of the community wishing to offer comment in advance on topics appearing on any City Council agenda are encouraged to use the public input form at

Downtown Advisory Board

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Downtown Advisory Board here.

Historic Resources Commission

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Historic Resources Commission here.


November 2018 - Mayor and Council Election

The Mayor and all nine City Councilor positions were on the November 6, 2018 ballot.  Results are shown below. 

The elected Mayor serves a four-year term from January 2019 through December 2022.  Elected City Councilors serve a two-year term from January 2019 through December 2020.  

Mayor = Biff Traber

Ward 1 = Jan Napack

Ward 2 = Charles Maughan

Ward 3 = Hyatt Lytle

Ward 4 = Barbara Bull

Ward 5 = Charlyn Ellis

Ward 6 = Nancy Wyse

Ward 7 = Bill Glassmire

Ward 8 = Ed Junkins

Ward 9 = Andrew Struthers

City Council Executive Session

The Council will meet in Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2) (h) (status of pending litigation or litigation likely to be filed).

Economic Development Advisory Board

Meeting materials are now available online at the links below.

The Economic Development Advisory Board consists of six volunteer members appointed by the Corvallis Mayor and three appointed by the Benton County Board of Commissioners.  Membership of the Board represent emerging technology and manufacturing, green/sustainable business, professional services, retail and general business, higher education, health care, and the community at large.
