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Imagine Corvallis Action Network

Meeting materials are now available online at the links below.

ICAN is charged with the development and management of the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Community Action Plan, which is the implementing document for the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Vision.  Read more about the ICAN here.

CAAB - Integration with Other Plans Subcommittee

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Climate Action Advisory Board here.

City Council Work Session

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings. 

Members of the community wishing to offer comment in advance on topics appearing on any City Council agenda are encouraged to use the public input form at

CAAB - Interim Goals Subcommittee

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Climate Action Advisory Board here.

CAAB - Funding Subcommittee

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Climate Action Advisory Board here.

CAAB - Communications/Outreach Subcommittee

The agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Climate Action Advisory Board here.

CAAB - Integration with Other Plans Subcommittee

The agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Climate Action Advisory Board here.

Planning Commission

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Planning Commission here.


South Corvallis Urban Renewal Plan Departmental Advisory Committee

Meeting agenda is now available online at the link below.

The South Corvallis Renewal Plan Departmental Advisory Committee is authorized by the City Council to assist the Community Development Department in the evaluation and development of an urban renewal district plan for South Corvallis.

A quorum of the City Council may be present at this meeting. 

Notice of Land Use Public Hearing - Corvallis City Council


Land Development Code Text Amendment (LDT16-00004) Removal of Application Requirements from the Land Development Code.  Please click on this link for more information.


Monday, April 16, 2018, 6:00 PM
Corvallis City Council
Downtown Fire Station Meeting Room, 400 NW Harrison Boulevard
