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Avoid Over-Fertilization When Caring for Lawns

June 30, 2023 - Many people take advantage of sunny weather to fertilize lawns, which makes this a good time to review helpful resources for lawn care practices that protect your lawn AND our local waterways in Corvallis.

Circle Boulevard Resurfacing Project Gets Underway in July

June 28 - A project to rebuild and resurface a portion of Circle Boulevard in northeast Corvallis is underway. The project will construct a new road bed and asphalt surface on Circle between the railroad crossings at Highway 99W and Conser Street near the HP Inc. campus.

Proposed Ballot Measure for Library and Parks & Recreation

Corvallis voters will have an opportunity to consider Measure 2-141, a proposed ballot measure which would continue the existing five-year operating levy that funds services in Parks & Recreation and at the Library, as well as the City’s annual social services grants.

Corvallis Biking and Walking Maps

The most recent biking and walking maps are available at the links below.

Police Activity on Van Buren Avenue Bridge

At 9:27am the Corvallis Police Department received a report of a suicidal woman on the Van Buren Bridge.  Officers responded and located the woman, who climbed up the steel girders to the top of the bridge.  In response, officers blocked the bridge for the safety of the woman and motorists.  The Corvallis Police Department quickly enlisted assistance from Benton County Behavioral Health to help engage with the woman, Benton County Sheriff’s Office marine patrol in case the woman entered the water below, and ODOT to assist with traffic control. 


Learn to Draw Workshop

Learn the basic skills to see and draw realistically. Students will explore how to see and draw the shapes around us. No experience needed! All materials will be provided.

Register here!


Ages 7+.

$70 ($88 Outside City)

$15 Discount for 2 to 12 enrolls.

Tunison Community Room

Instructor: Mark Allison

2–4:30pm Sept. 16–17

Victim Resources

CARDV Corvallis - Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence

The mission of the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence is twofold:

  • To provide services and support to those affected by sexual and domestic violence, and
  • To provide education and leadership within the community to change the societal conditions that cultivate these forms of violence


CAAB Workgroup Meeting

The Climate Action Advisory Board (CAAB) workgroups - Utility Decarbonization and No Food Wasted - will be meeting in-person and virtually at 5:00 p.m. 
