Web Page

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Regular monthly meeting of the Board to advise the City Council on bicycle and pedestrian matters.

October Treasury Report Now Available

The October Treasury Report from the City of Corvallis Finance Department is now available online.

Painted Intersections

A painted intersection brings vibrancy and social connections to a neighborhood. It creates a focal point that can tell a story about the area and gives neighbors a chance to work together on a common goal. Painted intersections also require planning, coordination, and a dedicated group of community members to see the project through from idea to implementation to maintenance.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Watershed Management Advisory Board

Regularly scheduled meeting of the Board which advises City Council on watershed management matters.

City Council

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings.  Meeting materials are typically available five days before the meeting. 

Members of the community wishing to offer comment in advance on topics appearing on any City Council agenda are encouraged to use the public input form at www.corvallisoregon.gov/publicinput.

City Legislative Committee

 The City Legislative Committee is scheduled to meet with Representative Dan Rayfield. The agenda for this meeting is available here.

Climate Action Advisory Board

Parks, Natural Areas and Recreation Advisory Board

The public is invited and welcome to attend these monthly meetings.


