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La Oficina de Desarrollo Económico anuncia $135,000 disponible para becas para pequeños negocios en Corvallis

Los fondos provienen del programa de Subvenciones en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD por sus siglas en inglés).

Economic Development Office Announces $135,000 in Grant Funding to Corvallis Small Businesses

The funding comes through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

Advisory Board Restructuring Ad Hoc Committee

At their March 1, 2021 meeting, the Council tabled consideration of a proposed ordinance, resolution, and Council Policy to implement a new advisory board structure. They directed the ad hoc Committee to review the documents and prepare recommendations for the Council's consideration on April 19, 2021. 

The public may register to watch the meeting live on the internet via this link:



Week of 03/08/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. 

Housing and Community Development Advisory Board

This meeting will be held online at this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5674286354915704076 
NOTE: The webinar link was updated at 2:45 p.m. on 03-11-2021. If you registered before this time, please re-register through the current link provided above.

CANCELED - Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission

The Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission will not be convening on this date.


Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission (URABC) meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. The City Budget Commission meeting will begin immediately after URABC concludes. This meeting will be held on an as needed basis and only if additional time is required to cover all 5/12/21 agenda items.

CANCELED - Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission

The Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission will not be convening on this date.


Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission (URABC) meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. The City Budget Commission meeting will begin immediately after URABC concludes.

Staff contact: Ryan Seidl, Finance Director, 541-766-6990

CANCELED - Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission

The Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission will not be convening on this date.


Urban Renewal Agency Budget Commission (URABC) meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. The City Budget Commission meeting will begin immediately after URABC concludes.

This meeting will take place online at this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3929350406647410956
