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Week of 10/19/20 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. 

Week of 10/05/20 - Neighborhoods

The City of Corvallis produces the weekly Neighborhood Update to help our neighborhoods connect with one another. If you have questions or wish to share information, please send an email.

2020 Get There Challenge is on in Corvallis, Oct. 5-18

2020 Get There Challenge is on in Corvallis, Oct. 5-18
Build Skills, Stay Active and Win Prizes

Middle Housing Code Update Project

The Middle Housing Code Update Project Was Completed in 2022.

Middle Housing provisions are now contained in the current Land Development Code.


Event Permit Application

The Corvallis Fire Code, Section 105.6.35, requires a permit to operate a temporary public assembly event. 

Circle Boulevard Resurfacing Project Nearing Completion

The Circle Boulevard resurfacing project is nearing completion, with just a few last steps before the new road is ready for use in mid-October.

City Council Executive Session

The City Council will meet in Executive Session under ORS 192.660(2) (i) (status of employment-related performance) (City Attorney Evaluation).

Executive Sessions
