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Corvallis Postpones Backyard Burning

Higher than normal temperatures in conjunction with high winds and low humidity are all contributors to an elevated fire danger.

Mixed Use Departmental Advisory Committee

Pursuant to Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-16, item 2.a., issued on April 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be conducted online only.

How Can I Participate?


Active Travel Corridors

ATCs are comfortable, “people only” paths that connect streets to parks, schools and other streets, shortening trips for people traveling by active travel modes.

HNS Test Page

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Week of 04/12/21 - Neighborhoods

The Neighborhood Update is produced on a weekly(ish) basis by the City of Corvallis to help neighborhoods stay connected. 

Microshelters in Corvallis

Transitioning people from houselessness to permanent housing requires a continuum of options. Microshelters are intended to assist community members who do not currently have stable housing but are able to live in a more independent, distributed shelter environment. Social services providers have advocated for microshelters as a powerful tool for addressing the challenges of homelessness.
