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Government Comment Corner - Benton County Commissioner Augerot

Benton County Commissioner Xan Augerot will host Government Comment Corner at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please stop by to say hello and ask your questions about local government. 

Government Comment Corner - Councilor Ellis

Ward 5 Councilor, Charlyn Ellis will host Government Comment Corner at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please stop by to say hello and ask your questions about local government. 

Government Comment Corner - Councilor Cadena

Ward 9 Councilor Councilor Cadena will host Government Comment Corner at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please stop by to say hello and ask your questions about local government. 

Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Department Advisory Committee Meeting

The Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Department Advisory Committee Meeting will be held 9 am at the Corvallis Parks and Recreation Administration Building.

The meeting agenda and packet will be available prior to the meeting. 

This meeting is open to the community.

Learn more about this committee.

Staff Contact: Jude Geist, Parks Division Manager, 541-766-6967

Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Department Advisory Committee Meeting

The Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Department Advisory Committee Meeting will be held 9 am at the Corvallis Parks and Recreation Administration Building.

The meeting agenda and packet will be available prior to the meeting. 

This meeting is open to the community.

Learn more about this committee.

Staff Contact: Jude Geist, Parks Division Manager, 541-766-6967

Capital Targets & City Service Bill Rate Impacts Open House - Possible Quorum of City Council

To learn more about the purpose of this Open House, please click HERE.

The Mayor and members of City Council will be in attendance, with a possible quorum.  

Capital Targets & City Service Bill Rate Impacts Open House - Possible Quorum of City Council

To learn more about the purpose of this Open House, please click HERE.

The Mayor and members of City Council will be in attendance, with a possible quorum.  

Capital Targets & City Service Bill Rate Impacts Open House - Possible Quorum of City Council

To learn more about the purpose of this Open House, please click HERE.

The Mayor and members of City Council will be in attendance, with a possible quorum.  

Capital Targets & City Service Bill Rate Impacts Open House - Possible Quorum of City Council

To learn more about the purpose of this Open House, please click HERE.

The Mayor and members of City Council will be in attendance, with a possible quorum.  

Open House Opportunities with Council

The City Council has scheduled open houses to engage with community members regarding infrastructure needs, rate adjustments necessary to address priorities, and a 5-year transition plan.  Council has scheduled four different sessions on different dates, times, and locations in hopes of connecting with as many community members as possible.  All sessions will be structured the same so there is no need to attend all of them; pick one that is convenient with your schedule.
