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CANCELLED - Library Advisory Board Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Advisory Board.  Public welcome.

CANCELED Economic Development Advisory Board

This meeting has been canceled.  The next scheduled meeting is january 8, 2018.


The Economic Development Advisory Board consists of six volunteer members appointed by the Corvallis Mayor and three appointed by the Benton County Board of Commissioners.  Membership of the Board represent emerging technology and manufacturing, green/sustainable business, professional services, retail and general business, higher education, health care, and the community at large.

Planning Commission Notice of Disposition

Below are links to the Planning Commission Notice of Disposition for the following cases:

Good Samaritan North Campus Annexation (ANN17-3, CPA17-3, ZDC17-7)

  • Appeal Deadline: Wednesday, December 20, 2017, at 5 p.m.

Mary's Annexation (ANN17-01, ZDC17-02)

Complaint Form - Behavior of City Employees

The City of Corvallis has established policies and procedures to receive, investigate, and act upon complaints by the public regarding the behavior of City employees. The purpose is to promptly address citizen concerns while protecting employee rights and protecting the integrity and reputation of the City and its employees.

Your Information
Date of Occurrence
Time of Occurrence
Witness Information (if applicable)
Information given to the City in the course of an internal investigation is not confidential. However, except as required by Oregon Public Records Laws, or the requirements of a thorough investigation, the City will only release information gathered in the course of an internal investigation on a "need to know" basis. This includes informing the respondent employee of the nature of the allegations that have been brought. If you have questions about personal safety or personal privacy, you should discuss these questions with the Human Resources Division, the City Attorney's Office, or your own attorney prior to providing the information. By clicking "I affirm" you acknowledge that the information you have provided is correct.

City Council Work Session

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings.  Meeting materials are available at the links below. 

Members of the community wishing to offer comment in advance on topics appearing on any City Council agenda are encouraged to use the public input form at
