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Planning Commission

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Planning Commission here.


City Council

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings. 

This meeting will include a public hearing at 6:00 pm concerning Voter-Approved Annexations.  The Council may limit this public hearing to one hour.  Please note, to accommodate the anticipated number of people attending, the meeting will be held at the La Sells Stewart Center, 875 SW 26th Street.

Notice of Land Use Public Hearing - Corvallis Planning Commission

Land Development Code Text Amendment (LDT16-00004) Removal of Application Requirements from the Land Development Code  (Click on this link for more information)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018, 7:00 PM

Corvallis Planning Commission

Downtown Fire Station Meeting Room, 400 NW Harrison Boulevard

Historic Resources Commission

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Historic Resources Commission here.

Historic Resources Commission

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Historic Resources Commission here.

Planning Commission

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Planning Commission here.

Planning Commission

The meeting agenda and materials are now available through the links below.

Read more about the Planning Commission here.
