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Fireworks Safety Guidelines from Corvallis Fire Department

Lighting and watching fireworks can be fun and exciting, but the Corvallis Fire Department is encouraging the community to remember that even legal fireworks can be dangerous and unpredictable. Therefore, extreme caution should always be used when lighting fireworks. If you choose to use locally-purchased and legal fireworks, ensure that you buy them from a licensed vendor at either a temporary stand or retail outlet. Choosing to import or use illegal fireworks or to modify legal fireworks can be dangerous and will result in significant fines up to $500.


Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings.  To accommodate the anticipated number of people likely to attend, this meeting has been moved to the Majestic Theatre.

Proposals for the Corvallis Service Center are provided below in the Supporting Documents section.

Imagine Corvallis Action Network

Meeting materials are now available online at the links below.

ICAN is charged with the development and management of the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Community Action Plan, which is the implementing document for the Imagine Corvallis 2040 Vision.  Read more about the ICAN here.

Request Neighborhood Meeting Space

Neighborhood associations that are recognized by the City of Corvallis are eligible to request free use of a facility owned by the City or by the Corvallis School District, once per year. Please use this form to request meeting space.

Additional information about City-owned rooms facilities is available at the following links:

Anticipated Number of Attendees
Facility or Venue *
Please select your facility or venue. Refer to the links above for specific information about individual locations. Requests for facilities owned by the Corvallis School District will be conveyed to school district officials for processing.
Please enter the name of the School District facility you would like to schedule.
Meeting Date(s)
Please select up to three proposed dates and times for your meeting. We will use these selections to help accommodate your request in the event of a scheduling conflict. Select the starting time that indicates when you will need access for any setting up prior to your meeting.
Time 1
Time 2
Time 3

CANCELED - Planning Commission

This meeting has been canceled.

Read more about the Planning Commission here.

Historic Resources Commission Special Meeting

The meeting agenda is now available through the links below.

Read more about the Historic Resources Commission here.

City Council Work Session

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings. 

Members of the community wishing to offer comment in advance on topics appearing on any City Council agenda are encouraged to use the public input form at

City Legislative Committee

City Legislative Committee meetings are open to everyone. More information about the Committee is available here.
