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Budget Commission

Staff contact:  Nancy Brewer, Finance Director, 541-766-6990

Read more about the Budget Commission here.

Budget Commission

Staff contact:  Nancy Brewer, Finance Director, 541-766-6990

Read more about the Budget Commission here.

New City Council Takes Oath of Office

The new 2019-2020 Corvallis City Council was sworn in on January 7, 2019 at the beginning of the first regular Council meeting of the year. The municipal judge administered the oath of office to the nine councilors who were beginning their new two-year terms, as well as Mayor Biff Traber, who began a new four-year term. Friends, family and supporters were on hand to commemorate the event.

The new City Council features four new incoming Councilors as well as five who are returning for another term.

Traffic Signal Damaged at 35th & Western

A vehicle accident in December at Western and 35th in Corvallis caused extensive damage to the traffic signal equipment that controls the intersection. Although replacement equipment has been ordered, the severity of the damage coupled with delays from the holidays means that the signal may not be functional again until mid-January.

The signal is currently disabled and the intersection is being controlled by stop signs. Western and 35th is a busy intersection, and motorists are advised to give themselves extra time traveling through the area.

Oregon Safe Employment Act (OSHA)

You have a right to a safe and healthful workplace in Oregon. It's the law!

Equal Employment Opportunity

Applicants to and employees of most private employers, state and local governments, educational institutions, employment agencies and labor organizations are protected under Federal law from discrimination on the following bases.

2019 Impuesto de Opción Local

En mayo de 2019, los votantes de Corvallis tendrán la oportunidad de votar por un nuevo impuesto de cinco años para financiar los servicios en Parques & Recreación y la Biblioteca Pública, así como becas anuales para servicios sociales de la Ciudad. Aquí están las respuestas a algunas preguntas más comunes que recibimos sobre los servicios que serían financiados si el impuesto se aprueba.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Regular monthly meeting of the Board to advise the City Council on bicycle and pedestrian matters.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Regular monthly meeting of the Board to advise the City Council on bicycle and pedestrian matters.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Regular monthly meeting of the Board to advise the City Council on bicycle and pedestrian matters.
